Monday, February 20, 2012

Book 1, Ch. 11

The Tower Treasure
Chapter 11: Anxious Waiting

Red Jackley – that’s the name of the suspect uncovered in the NYPD police files – “red” because he’s been seen wearing a red wig! Mr. Hardy becomes concerned that the case is becoming dangerous and sends the boys back to Bayport. Once there, Frank goes on a friendly visit to the Robinsons’ new home, in the poorest part of town. Mrs. Hardy sends along a cake and a ham, and Callie Shaw insists on bringing a bag of fruit. Practically impoverished, Mrs. Robinson and the twins greet their visitors with delight and gratitude. Frank reassures them the Hardys will clear Mr. Robinson! Frank is alarmed to discover, on returning home, that Mrs. Hardy is overcome with worry that something has happened to Mr. Hardy!