The House on the Cliff
Chapter 2: Thief at Work
through a library window, the four boys quickly search the dilapidated house.
No one! But behind a door in a bedroom closet are hidden stairs to the attic.
All four rush to the attic, only to find it empty – and themselves locked in!
With a heave-ho, they break down the door and race back to the telescope,
wondering if someone meant to trap them and steal it. The telescope is still
there! But oddly enough, both eyepieces have been removed! Angrily the boys
search the house one more time, but turn up nothing. As they prepare to give up
in disappointment, they hear ghostly laughter from somewhere below the cliff
top. Again they see nothing. Chet is more than ready to leave this scary scene,
and soon they are on their way home on the motorcycles. But the day isn’t over
yet! Frank’s motorcycle splutters to a stop. Both he and Joe have toolboxes
along for emergencies, but when they open the boxes, the tools are . . . gone!!