Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Book 1, Ch. 15

The Tower Treasure
Chapter 15: The Tower Search

When the Hardy brothers arrive at the Tower Mansion, Hurd Applegate is not happy about allowing them to search the old tower. His sister Adelia is even more reluctant, but with a little persuasion, they agree to let the boys in. Frank and Joe carefully climb story after story up the old spiral staircase. Each floor has only a small bare room. The final floor has a trapdoor in the roof, which they pry off with great effort. In fact so much effort that Frank tumbles backward down the stairs and Joe flips over the stair railing! In the first of what will be many hairbreadth escapes, he catches hold of the spindles on the stairs as he falls. With a sigh of relief, the brothers return to the main floor, but with no jewels. Now they must convince the Applegates to let them search the new tower on the other side. The Applegates do not agree until they have heard the whole story of Jackley’s confession. They are impressed and give permission for the Hardys to continue the search!