Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book 1, Ch. 18

The Tower Treasure
Chapter 18: An Unexpected Surprise

Instantly, the boys throw themselves to the ground until the spotlight moves away. What should they do now? At that moment, Herd Applegate and his new guard dog show up. Applegate informs them it was his sister shining the flashlight around, looking for prowlers, and he curtly asks the boys to phone if they come over again. Disappointed, Frank and Joe head for home. The boys are up again early the next morning, determined not to quit. This time they head out to the Bayport railroad. They question the flagmen in hopes that one of them will remember Red Jackley and provide a new clue. Sure enough, Jake the stationmaster directs them to the crossing at Cherryville, where Jackley worked. Frank and Joe settle down to eat their lunch at the tracks, in view of an old, weather-beaten water tower. Beside it stands a brand-new red metal tower. Tower? The boys look at each other. Could it be that this is the tower Jackley meant? They must find out!